This song tells me to not hold back, to go forth boldly in search of my dreams. To not put limits on those dreams. That I don't want to regret not trying something. That I would rather be brave, step off that ledge and try something and fail than wonder 20 years later what could have been if I had only but tried.
And mostly, that we all have that feeling inside. Some of us are able to muster forth the courage to do it, others get entangled in the fear of the risks. What if someone things I'm silly/stupid/dorky/etc? What if I fail? What if I succeed? What if I lose? Been there, been called all of those, and yes it is painful, but I would rather be dorky than just average & ordinary. I would rather be me because I'm the only one who really knows how to do that.
So today, I challenge myself, and you, to step into that scary territory of the unknown and go forth boldly. I'll be right there with you, holding your hand if you need me to. Because what I'm learning is that the joys of success far outweigh the risks/consequences of not doing it/failing at it. And honestly, do we really fail? How can it really be viewed as a failure if we tried? I think the only failure is not doing anything at all. Trust me, it's going to be so much better on the other side.
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