Saturday, October 13, 2018

Let's go fly a kite...

... up to the highest height....

It has been windy, and rainy, and sunny, and hot, and cold... It is fall time again in Indiana. Today, little breeze, but sunny.  And it is just a fun song.

Old Business:

  • Have given away a few things out of the garage.  Cleaned up small areas.  It is always baby steps.  Always in progress.
  • Pictures from 2014 are sorted, and starting to get filed away.
  • A few bumps in the road with sharing the room.  I guess that is just life.
  • Wood fence, stoop and ramp will have to wait until spring, due to it needing to be over 50 degrees.
  • Brickwork still looks like a patchwork of color. Top cap is also done.  And another color. And can't seal until spring.  See comment above.
  • Still reading fairly regularly.  Both my book and magazines.
  • 015's birthday party is complete.  Even though it's not until Monday. But got the breakfast bar cleaned off, and have done really well at keeping it that way.
  • Gave away a few things in the living room.  A dresser, a table, and some stuff back to my dad.  That feels good too.  Lighter.
  • Contract is signed, contractors have been hired.  Have had a few bumps, but again that is life, and it is working out just fine - Thank you God!
  • Menu planning going pretty well.  Been busy putting recipes we like in page protectors and in a binder. Organized by type.  And trying to weed out what we don't like or are duplicates.
  • Scheduling is going better as well.
  • Just a few more flowers to plant.  Maybe today.
  • Doctor is so-so.  We will see. Nature of living in a small town??
New Business:
  • Trying to stay on top of stuff that I like to do. It's recognizing the beauty of small steps and some progress vs. none
  • Talent show at church on Sunday
  • Getting winter project list lined up
  • Making bread today to go with the soup
  • Trying to be OK with reading just 1 or 2 blogs every day instead of cycling through the entire list, or worse, none.
  • Need to mow the yard