Tuesday, February 7, 2017

...just keep truckin' on...

Wow, long time no post!  I look back and see it was mid-October.  Shame on me.  Boy, I tell you, sometimes life gets in the way!!! So here's to catching up!

Old Business:

  • Still no new layouts, but I do have a project list.
  • Dentist letters out, now need to do doctors
  • Mowing is done!
  • Pictures are all filed - Yea!
  • Still reading Becoming Wise - so good!
  • Laundry room - last door painted, thresholds on both doors fixed, still need curtains
  • Lawnmowers are done!
  • Glider not done - springtime...
  • Storm door done!
  • October, November,December and January cards done
  • More pictures are hung
  • Garage sale did not go well, but done...
  • Roof repairs done, need to finish ceiling/wall
  • Car is in garage!
  • Hall closet has a new shelf, rod is lower
  • All hall closets (3) are painted, hall is painted, all closet doors have new hinges
  • 015's room is painted, his doors have new hinges, and all outlets but 1 have been replaced
  • Made soap!!!
  • 015 sold several video games on eBay
New Business:
  • Several things to list on eBay
  • Bathroom
  • Mending of pants
  • Cleaning garage
  • Hang shelves in 015's room

June 2016 Flickr Post

Well, somehow life has happened and I've gotten a wee bit behind again, but you just gotta keep truckin'!  As always, you can see the complete upload by clicking this link, and here are a few of my faves!

Here is 012 as my undersecretary.  He said that is NOT what he was, he was the assistant executive assistant.  Either way, it was actually fun to have him go with me and help, and I think good experience for him too.  And he made some money too.

Speaking of money, 015 had his first summer job this year.  He worked at the cemetery with my dad, on the trimming crew.   Lots of exercise, and a good amount of money too.  This was his first ever pay check!

The Hooligans did the flyover at the Belle Isle race again this year, very awesome to see the Detroit skyline!

The same day, the Hooligans also did a Wings of Mercy event in Muskegon.  Busy day but very fun!

015 lettered in track this year.  Totally cool!

Being my assistant also meant helping me at home.  So the family ride got a good bath.  And he did many other things around the house too, like helping me get the shed re-organized (you'll have to check the feed for that!) and many plants planted, and grass cut.

La Fontaine has a town festival every year, and someone got second place in the cornhole tournament with a friend.

Some brotherly love at the newly opened Curb-a-teria.  They were around when I was a kid, and then went away for a long time.  Someone was very fascinated by the spinny stool.

The youth at church also packed cleanup buckets for Church World Service.  They then distribute them to areas that have been hit by disasters.  It was quite the puzzle to get it to all fit in the 5 gallon bucket, but they were up to the challenge, and succeeded!