Thursday, May 26, 2011

I can fly higher than anything...

…in my magic box has wings… or at least I wish I owned one… check out the song here.  I love this lady!

Well, it has certainly been a long time since I’ve posted anything.  I’ve been very busy trying to go through all 700+ pictures and ended up with 324 that I think were worthy.  They have all been proofed, edited, copied, cleaned up & burnt to DVDs.  The DVDs got mailed out to the guys yesterday.  I was talking with EE last night on the phone, I should have included a card I thought later.  But they’re guys, they don’t care, right?  You can check them out here

I also made up a couple of thank you gifts for 010 & 007’s teachers.  Now I’m ready to make a mini book for EE on the trip.  I had tried, unsuccessfully twice, to make him a sculpture (clay) of his plane. I was just a complete mess in tears.  And bless his heart, he had figured out what I was up to & still didn’t say anything until I told him because he wanted it to stay a surprise.  He is about the sweetest thing ever.  However, it was wonderful fun, but extremely frustrating to put so many hours (that I don’t always have) and then just have it break & fall apart!  I’m thinking I’ll keep it up when I’m not under so much pressure…  In the meantime, I’ll sketch the cover of it & perhaps that will add a personal touch to it.  I want to keep it simple so he can take it & put it on his desk at work.

A few weeks ago, GM had an open house & he invited us over to see the plant tour.  We got there right after the last one had left, they weren’t letting any more people in.  But knowing someone “on the inside” has it’s perks as he snuck us in the employee entrance, found us some safety goggles & away we were!  010 absolutely loved it & had a million questions.  And since he is the most patient person on the planet, took plenty of time to answer & show.   007 didn’t like it as much but I think it had something to do with the earplugs.  I wasn’t allowed to take pictures L.  But it was truly fascinating and it was really cool to see his office & desk so now I have a picture in my head when he’s talking about stuff.  It is gigantic!  The plant that is.  His office is kinda smallish-normal sized.  We went to B&K afterwards for dogs & suds.

2 weekends ago we went up to his property north of Baldwin, MI so we could go to the blessing of the bikes.  It was cold & rainy & we didn’t do any riding.  But we did have a lot of fun.  It is very peaceful there and since it barely has running water & only electricity from the generator, there are none of the trappings that would distract you from relaxing.  It was a bit of a drive, 5+ hours, but well worth it.  In fact we are going back this weekend and I just can’t wait.  Mostly because it has been since Monday since I’ve seen him & I always get bummed out going so long.  I just always feel so peaceful & relaxed around him, I just desire it more & more every day.  I don’t think I can really even explain the way I feel.  Most times at work I just can’t even think & concentrate.  My head is anywhere but there. But partially because of what I just said.  I think I’m close to a midlife crisis or mental breakdown or something. I’ve made so many mistakes this week at work & just really feel like I’ve lost my edge.  And sadly, I’m just not even sure I care.  I want to retire or be declared incapable of working.  I’m not sure how much I can handle.

I keep getting more & more responsibility as my boss is off-loading more of his day to day stuff to his team leads.  So I’m more of a manager, but still expected to be completely a technical resource too.  Same for the other lead.  I don’t know how he keeps up with it.  Maybe it just doesn’t bother him because he doesn’t have day to day interactions with his 3 team members.  I only have 2 but we’re almost attached at the hip & they are both still pretty new.  I’m stressed out & stretched too thin.  There is not enough time in the day to develop standards, get training, get tickets resolved, deal with customer issues, deal with tech issues & all the other stuff that pops up like phone calls & customers coming in & things breaking & other stuff not getting done right because we don’t have the standards & procedures in place yet.  Makes me want to cry uncle!

On a good note, I should have the bike paid off by next month!  I so can’t wait to start saving up for the garage/bedroom project. I keep pestering my tax dude about the home purchase credit I should have gotten back in 2009 but he keeps stalling.  That drives me a bit crazy.  Could be good seed money for the project.

This summer I really want to go through the studio & CLEAN IT ALL UP!  I’ve got stuff crammed everywhere & it is just frustrating me.  Can’t get to stuff because other stuff falls out, looks cluttered, not getting projects done, etc.  014 is going to have to come over & help maybe. 

I’ve also started Mulch project 2011 with 11 scoops (cubic yards) of black beauty.  I’m already 2+ months ahead of where I was last year.  This year I’m not even much pulling weeds, just putting the cardboard down & covering with mulch. Where I’ve done that consistently in the past there was not much “growth” and if I can get it done before everything turns to seed that will make next year even better.  Last year most of it went to seed.  I’m going to finish off the bit by the driveway & add the walkway from the driveway to the house.  I’ve got some more shrubbery to put out there too, so it is starting to get filled in.  Which will help with the weeds too.  And if I have enough I want to get around the front of the shed & start on the garden idea I have.

Last Saturday I took EE over to the sibling units for my nephew & brother’s birthdays.  Which worked out because EE’s is the same day as 016’s.  We had a good lunch & visit in the afternoon & then back home.  I felt horrible for him though.  He was not originally slated to work Saturday night, but found out Friday that he would have to.  I didn’t want him to go but he insisted.  So he was up Fri afternoon essentially until Sunday morning, save a nap on the way back and another short nap when we got back.  I tucked him in.  Didn’t want to leave.  Didn’t want him to go to sleep either.  But I was good.

Today was the last day of school!  010 received 4 awards for: Accelerated reader, Math Bowl, Battle of the Books, and Fiction through the Alphabet.  I was so proud of him!  007 was sad he didn’t get any.  I hope he does next year.  Next year 010 will be at LaFountaine now that they have restructured the schools.  They will not be back in the same building until 010 is in 9th grade & 007 is in 7th.  Seems like a long way off.

Well, that is about it, I need to pay bills & get to bed so that I can be ready for my long drive tomorrow.  EE went up to Battle Creek today so he could work on the barn & pick the Ducati up at the dealer. I will meet him up there tomorrow & then we’ll head up north together with the lawnmower so he can take care of that before it gets too long.  I don’t think we’re taking the other bike as the weather is not supposed to be all that great.

I’ll try not to take so long now that I have all those crazy pictures done.