Wednesday, November 25, 2009

3 Faves from yesterday's set...

Yesterday, between making pies, taking care of 000, making cinnamon rolls & other general "mom" duties, I also managed to squeeze in some proofing time.  These were taken at the North Manchester, IN Harvest Fest last October.  Yea, I know, I am soooo incredibly slow.  But I have to admit, I have gotten onto a much more regular schedule of doing it, so I'm hoping that pays off in the end....  Here they are, in no order....

This is a close-up of the most beautiful fire escape I think I've ever seen.... right off Main Street.

and of course 006 & 008 playing in the straw maze (course they were 004 & 007 at the time...)


Katie said...

the fire escape is awesome! so are the boys.

Benzilla Scrapping said...

thanks!! they are pretty cool, they are such boys! lol I loved it so much, they were getting tired of me taking shots of it, and the light was so good that day, it was hard to stop!