Friday, December 7, 2012

Do you believe in magic?

In a young girl's heart?  Oh, what a great song! Click here to hear the song...  Somewhere, I think we lost our amazing ability to be artists; songwriters.  Now, so much of everything is made in the studio & just well, manufactured.  It's a shame I think...

So not much has happened since the last time I wrote...I did not drive up to Battle Creek last weekend, Gadget had to work Saturday.  That was unusual.  At the new plant he's not suppose to have to do overtime anymore. And he does again this Saturday.  But I don't care.  I'm going to go up & see him anyway.  He didn't really ask me to, I just want to.  Maybe I should have waited to see if he would have.  I never know what the right answer is.

We had our WES girl's Christmas party at the log cabin show house this past Wednesday.  That was  a lot of fun.  It really gives me a chance to put faces to the names & voices.  It's funny how without that there is not the same connection as when you do have the visual.  They are super sweet women & oh my the food is delicious!  They even liked my cards for the white elephant game, and they got "stolen"! I couldn't believe it!  I was thinking of making up a little package of them for the other girls that were wanting some.

I'm now the Service Manager at work.  It's OK.  But it means I'm in charge of the oldy moldy tickets.  The ones that linger & no one can get fixed.  I don't have to fix them, just find someone who will.  So I'm in charge of the customer satisfaction piece. And the productivity/performance part.  Making sure we schedule enough time for each task and that we have the right person doing it.  It's hard getting extracted from the actual doing part.  But it is slowly happening.

And we're getting a new phone system.  It was installed last night.  I'm nervous & scared to death.  I hate phones.  Well, they scare me. I'm always pushing the wrong buttons and I can't ever remember how to do certain functions.  So it should be interesting this AM.  But overall, I think it will be better for us.  Better able to control how the calls flow in & get them assistance.  And maybe reduce stress a bit for the staff too.  I'll keep you posted...

Christmas shopping is nearly done  011 wants money for a new laptop, 009 wants Legos & DS games.  Money for the nephew.  Gift cards for everyone else.  Well, I'm getting cigars & some whisky for Gadget, and probably making him a  little something, C I have no idea what to get, S is getting a mini album of her Europe trip this summer as well as a replacement bottle of champagne.  That's a long story...D I'm trying to get a metal print of him doing the DRE at Mugello Italy track.  It's gonna be really cool, I think.  So I also need to get for his Mom and Gramma but have no clue!  I'll keep you posted on that too...

Let's try to remember though, I realize this is supposed to be "the most wonderful time of the year" it is not for a lot of people.  That there is a lot of pain and sadness that surfaces as well.  Suicide rates actually increase during the holidays.  If we can all be that loving hand & heart of Christ, who knows who's life it could make a difference in?

Well, the munchkins are up & in the shower so I suppose I need to go start getting ready so I can pack & whatnot too!

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