Thursday, October 29, 2009

not for the faint at heart

Ok, those of you who really know me (and you know who you are) know that I have, well, bathroom issues.  Like, I don’t want anyone in there when I’m doing my business.  Don’t want to be in there when someone else is doing their business (and no, shower curtains do NOT allow for full privacy & general not knowing what you’re doing over there level 10 forcefields sort of thing, ok? OK!) nor do I really even like to TOUCH the toilet.  It should be surrounded in its own hazmat gear. No, I don’t like rubber gloves either. But that is another post. You could even say I have theflusherphobia. But, being the only responsible adult, well, actually the only adult, in my house, it is my job to scrub it. Every week.  Yuck.  Well, I made an interesting discovery this morning and I have to share it with you.  First off, let me preface all of this by saying I do scrub it every week, it is a clean toilet.  However, living in rural Indiana means sometimes stuff (don’t ask me what it is, I have no idea) gets stuck to the sides of the bowl. Now, I use the scrubbing bubbles flushable things to clean my bowl.  Refer to earlier post, I don’t even like toilet brushes hanging around. They, for the most part, do a wonderful job, except for that stuff.  Now, I will also say I have long-ish hair now, and since I shed more than an alpaca (ok, I don’t really know if they shed or not) I have to clean out my brushes. A lot. For some reason, I usually just dump the wad of hair into the toilet.  I don’t know why I don’t put it in the trash. Maybe cause I get a weird since of satisfaction from watching it go down the drain.  Well, anyway, I promise the train’s not getting de-railed, it’s all connected…. This am I cleaned out my brush, it was really bad, and then remembered it was time to clean the bathroom.  Well, being the conservator that I am, I didn’t want to flush the hair, then wash the toilet, then flush again. That just wastes water, right? So I scrubbed it with the hair in there. And of course it got in the way. So I just started scrubbing with it.  And you want to know what? It scrubbed the stuff off.  No kidding! Who would have ever guessed hair would make such a great abrasive?!?!  Ok, now I gotta step back into my comfort zone, that was way out there for me.  Thanks for helping me with a little bit of my therapy to get over my phobia.  Ok, I’m feeling a bit verklempt, go talk amongst yourselves…..


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