Saturday, September 12, 2009

whadda week!

wow, been super busy all week designing new product, released next week, working on a mini-album from a college trip i took a million years ago, and drum roll please....finished up the mulch project from h-e-double hockey sticks!!!!!  yea, i know, i'm totally stoked about it too.  hopefully might be able to figure out posting pictures's not done, mind you, but i ran out of mulch and i'm not paying to have any more delivered this year.  i got 6 scoops this year, and next year will probably get 10.  mostly to finish out what i started this year, but also to refresh what i have now.  oh, maybe i'll need 12. next year i also want to get my garden set out, i waited too long this year not being able to decide where to put it.  and i'll need to rent a tiller which will mean borrowing dad's truck & trailer or having it delivered for me.  next year i also want to put in a brick patio behind the house and a stone stepping path out to the shed.  which reminds me i really need to post pics of the new, old house.  yea, i know, i'm a glutton for punishment....

speaking of, in a couple of weeks my brother and i are going to have a work day at the parental units.  they are coming over friday and staying the weekend so i can't wait to have yummy breakfast all together.  dad is always so busy taking care of mom that the old homestead usually just gets the necessaries done, so the past couple of years we've been trying to pitch in and help.  last year we got their antiquated solar unit pulled out, put in a pond and some bushes.  this year it will be tree trimming, moving some edgers that just get in his way and probably washing the windows, weather permitting.

i'm hot, sweaty and tired so i'm gonna go get something to drink and then we are supposed to head over there tonight to visit.

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