Monday, September 14, 2009


today was a busy day with posting new product, making cards, getting my crafting table cleaned off, designing some business cards for a friend and returning a couple phone calls.  after the boys came home, we had swimming lessons (do you know how scary it is to watch your 8-year old swim in 12 foot water without a PFD?!?!) and gymnastics.  zack had at the last minute changed his mind to swimming but the poor thing the water is so cold he decided he wanted to switch back to gymnastics.  so we did.  and he loved it.  of course.  they don't call him monkey man for nothing.  then homework & supper & bath.  and my favorite part, reading.  we've been reading harry potter.  i've had them all but was waiting until they were a bit older (005 is not sure he likes them) but 008 got them as a gift from bob's girlfriend, so we've started reading them.  guess i'll give mine to goodwill. we started book #2 last night & read 3 chapters!  we never read that much, but it was still pretty early. 008 loves 'em!  i'm so glad that both of them love to read so much.  also wrote a lot in my journal.  008 was like "wow mom, i didn't know you had a diary".  for some reason that facinated him but tough luck mister, you can't read it - private stay out!  lol

hope you had a wonderful start to your week!

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