my musings on scrapbooking, life, relationships, faith, kids & why my pants don't always fit
Monday, September 28, 2009
south sea memories
thought i'd share a mini book a made for my grampa. it is with his pictures and journaling from when he was in the SeaBee's during WWII. he was stationed in new guinea during most of it.
more product
wow, i can't believe how big the catalog is getting, i just put up more stuff on etsy this afternoon, be sure to go check it out!
Friday, September 25, 2009
can't believe it!
head over to benzillascrapping blog, i'm running a give-away to celebrate having some of my art turned into rubber stamps! yes you heard right! i can't believe right here in little old wabash is a company that has a laser engraver that will cut rubber! i am totally stoked about seeing this happen, almost a dream come true. i get the proof on monday, as well as costing information. i don't have them up on etsy, and i won't have that many done, so if you are interested, be sure to drop me an email to let me know...
Monday, September 21, 2009
flex term mini
ok as promised, here's the mini that i made for my flex term class (a million years ago, seriously!) i went to university of indianapolis (formerly indiana central university) and back then (don't know if they still do it) every may was a separate semester, called flex term. you took 1 class, 4 hours every day of the week. it was intense, but the classes were usually pretty fun. i think you only had to have 3 to graduate, but being the over-achiever that i am, i think i took 4 (one voice tour, japanese language & culture, chinese culture & sociology - yup that's 4).
i was a theatre (go figure, i know that really surprises you!) and one of my professors, his daughter and a few of their friends wrote a musical called One Voice and so we took it on an east coast & Canada tour. normally, as i said, this would happen in may, but we did it in august to give time for rehearsals & money making. it was an amazing opportunity for me, we got to see niagra falls, nyc, washington dc, and 3 plays on broadway. tons of fun.
so without further ado, here's how it went....
first, i have 2 of these little flip books. my ex used to work for microsoft and these were sales/marketing aides. for some reason, i really, really liked them (they are very nice spiral bounds) and so i never pitched them, thinking i would find some use for them. so i chose to use this one and alter it for my book....
most of this is very simple, minimal embellies and hand-written journaling. i used a collection of BlockZ, which you can find here to do it. They are the perfect size to just jot down some thoughts. you can find them here BenzillaScrapping BlockZ

and then because there was more to the story that i wanted to share, but would not fit in the BlockZ, i did 2 pages here. My printer (built-in mind you, how cool is that!?!) will do narrow rule, college rule, english grid & metric grid. so i did wide rule, as my handwriting works out better that way. yes, i have been on a really big use my own handwriting kick lately. i always abhorred it, but i've noticed it's getting better, so go figure!
and lastly, the cover....
now, i couple of beefs i had with this (ie life lessons!)... the paper is HIGHLY glossy. my glue did not like adhering the cardstock at all, even when the pages were "light". so next time, either mod podge, or even better, a gel medium. you need something with a lot of teeth. other one, i sooo didn't use all the pages and so i had to cut the remainders out. for whatever reason (probably because i don't use a craft knife much - most people try to keep those things from me as it always ends up bloody... for me!) this was a huge challenge. don't know if it would be any easier if i did this prior to putting my stuff in...
so there it is, hope you enjoy!
i was a theatre (go figure, i know that really surprises you!) and one of my professors, his daughter and a few of their friends wrote a musical called One Voice and so we took it on an east coast & Canada tour. normally, as i said, this would happen in may, but we did it in august to give time for rehearsals & money making. it was an amazing opportunity for me, we got to see niagra falls, nyc, washington dc, and 3 plays on broadway. tons of fun.
so without further ado, here's how it went....
first, i have 2 of these little flip books. my ex used to work for microsoft and these were sales/marketing aides. for some reason, i really, really liked them (they are very nice spiral bounds) and so i never pitched them, thinking i would find some use for them. so i chose to use this one and alter it for my book....
the next few pictures are the making of it.. i had a lot of memorabilia (ie pamplets, maps, cutouts from bags, etc. i don't throw much away from a trip, i just think the stuff is waaaaay too cool) so there are a few pockets made through out.
The right page I actually cut in half first, for just a little bit of fun.

the right one here is also a halfsie

and lastly, the cover....
now, i couple of beefs i had with this (ie life lessons!)... the paper is HIGHLY glossy. my glue did not like adhering the cardstock at all, even when the pages were "light". so next time, either mod podge, or even better, a gel medium. you need something with a lot of teeth. other one, i sooo didn't use all the pages and so i had to cut the remainders out. for whatever reason (probably because i don't use a craft knife much - most people try to keep those things from me as it always ends up bloody... for me!) this was a huge challenge. don't know if it would be any easier if i did this prior to putting my stuff in...
so there it is, hope you enjoy!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
weekend wrap-up
i was busy most of the weekend proofing digital pictures from both my dad & my own. big suggestion here, sit down, think about it before you answer out.... learn your camera. get to know it intimately. know what shots it does well, which shots it does not and how to correct for it. my dad used to be great shooting film, however, digital is different. sorry, but the electronic sensor just behaves differently than film. except for maybe in the really high end range. even mine, and i *think* i have a good camera. his were washed out, bad skin tone and just generally not that great. soooo, after long hours doing post-production in photoshop, they are much better. thank goodness for the digital darkroom.
now, don't go getting the wrong idea. i in no way, shape or form think that i am a master at taking photos. i have a lot to learn. but like ansel adams, i can do some serious tweaking, but i have a lot to learn there too, and there are probably better/easier ways of doing it than what i do. but i've learned from the school of hard knocks (aka fooling around to find out what it does).
was it worth that much time? some of them, yes, as for instance, they were the only pics i had of Zack's 5th birthday. others told a story that needed captured. others, well, i was probably being picky. but the point to all of this is, if he/i had taken 5/10 minutes beforehand to check the camera and see if the settings were ok, it would have saved me no less than 5 hours later. no joke. 5 hours spent scrapping, or taking more pictures, or reading, or...whatever.
so play around with the white balance setting, play around with exposure and shutter speed settings. it's ok to take a picture just for the sake of finding out what it does in the end. really. make it as intimate of a friend as your best friend. i'm not saying you need to be a pro, or be able to judge what f-stop you need or any of that, but don't be afraid of your camera either. don't be afraid to play with the settings.
and be sure to read the manual. in reading mine, some settings revert back to default when powered off. some are sticky. helpful to know. and also allow yourself the fact that you're going to forget. it is like any other skill, practice makes perfect, but if we never use it, we'll never remember. carry the manual (or at least the quick guide) in your case for reference.
for me, if i had just adjusted the exposure level down a stop or two for my pictures at the beach in the middle of the july afternoon, i would not be here now. but now, some of them are blown out or just too bright. i can take 100+ pictures a day. but i very harshly & critically toss out too. sometimes the work is not worth the rewards. it is, however, a personal decision.
i'm also working on a surprise book for ben's christmas. it's a mini of his first year. they absolutely love looking at their big books, but i think there is something more intimate (yes, i know i've used that twice now!) about the smaller form factor. their hands are smaller, this book is small too, 3 1/4 x 5" so it will be perfect for him. i made him one for his church camp trip this summer and he really liked it. next year he can go a full week. he's totally ready. not sure i am! lol
now, don't go getting the wrong idea. i in no way, shape or form think that i am a master at taking photos. i have a lot to learn. but like ansel adams, i can do some serious tweaking, but i have a lot to learn there too, and there are probably better/easier ways of doing it than what i do. but i've learned from the school of hard knocks (aka fooling around to find out what it does).
was it worth that much time? some of them, yes, as for instance, they were the only pics i had of Zack's 5th birthday. others told a story that needed captured. others, well, i was probably being picky. but the point to all of this is, if he/i had taken 5/10 minutes beforehand to check the camera and see if the settings were ok, it would have saved me no less than 5 hours later. no joke. 5 hours spent scrapping, or taking more pictures, or reading, or...whatever.
so play around with the white balance setting, play around with exposure and shutter speed settings. it's ok to take a picture just for the sake of finding out what it does in the end. really. make it as intimate of a friend as your best friend. i'm not saying you need to be a pro, or be able to judge what f-stop you need or any of that, but don't be afraid of your camera either. don't be afraid to play with the settings.
and be sure to read the manual. in reading mine, some settings revert back to default when powered off. some are sticky. helpful to know. and also allow yourself the fact that you're going to forget. it is like any other skill, practice makes perfect, but if we never use it, we'll never remember. carry the manual (or at least the quick guide) in your case for reference.
for me, if i had just adjusted the exposure level down a stop or two for my pictures at the beach in the middle of the july afternoon, i would not be here now. but now, some of them are blown out or just too bright. i can take 100+ pictures a day. but i very harshly & critically toss out too. sometimes the work is not worth the rewards. it is, however, a personal decision.
i'm also working on a surprise book for ben's christmas. it's a mini of his first year. they absolutely love looking at their big books, but i think there is something more intimate (yes, i know i've used that twice now!) about the smaller form factor. their hands are smaller, this book is small too, 3 1/4 x 5" so it will be perfect for him. i made him one for his church camp trip this summer and he really liked it. next year he can go a full week. he's totally ready. not sure i am! lol
Thursday, September 17, 2009
saving money
ok, for all you other frugal shoppers out there like me, i just gotta let you know about some of my favorite places to get either printed coupons, or coupons put on my kroger plus card. there is first but i will warn you, they do not print out if you use firefox so you have to use ie. I have not tried it under safari or opera so you'll just have to try. another is and it does seem to work ok under firefox. then there is and i also check even though i am not in indy any more. there are a lot of duplicates, but there is also a lot of good ones out there. my new favorite one is and it puts the coupon right on your plus card which is cool. i think other supermarkets are supported, you will have to check it out. i know kroger/owens is just here in the midwest. the really super cool thing is you can use it in COMBINATION with your paper coupons... score! also, if you like 529 accounts, now has grocery coupons you can add to your plus card too and the face value of the coupon goes into your account. this is in addition to the products that give you a percentage of the sale price.
if you know any other ways of getting great deals (sometimes you have to check out manufacturer websites but i find it soooo tedious!) be sure to share!
if you know any other ways of getting great deals (sometimes you have to check out manufacturer websites but i find it soooo tedious!) be sure to share!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
over and over and over...
...not by nelly, but that is a good song. today was a busy day... met my ex-boss for coffee (is that weird that we are still friends) and our barrista (who is married to the kid who used to work for me(is that even stranger??)(or is parenthetical references inside other parenthetical references even weirder!)) Jett tried to get me to hook up with some dude they know. i said no. "but he was giving you the eye AND he asked me about you!" no. geez, this is getting insane though, really hope i can make it to christmas. it's hard to control certain, urges, if you know what i mean....
so after that, i went to the bank, then back home because i forgot my journal & grabbed an apple, and then to my therapy session. which is usually on monday, but the past two weeks it's been on tuesdays. that was good, and hard too. we continued to talk about pros/cons with a someone-who-shall-remain-nameless. and we talked about being unemployed and feeling like not having any anchor. and we talked about bob going to the church that i went to for 7 years. the church that still feels like home. the church that i miss with tons of my friends in it. and how that sucked. sucked big monkey balls. ok, that's crass, but you get the idea. but that i was glad my boys got to go there.
then i went to penguin point for lunch. i know, yuck you say, penguin meat? no, it's not. it's a small fast food chain, here, elkhart & warsaw, so if you are ever in the area, you HAVE to stop at. they have the best crinkle fries ever. billy (the kid married to the barrista) will instist they are not real fries because they are crinkle cut, but whatever. then i went to the church to clean it.
since i've been unemployed, i've been cleaning the church. and it is a big one for so very few people we have. it's not bad, takes anywhere from 3-5 hours a week, depending on what all i do. normally i don't have therapy and so it can take longer. but i just stick the ipod on, turn up the music and SING since there is no one else there until leslie the secretary gets there and she just laughs at me. i slip her a $20 for listening to me sing.
seriously though, i joined the choir, and so far they've not kicked me out. i know warren would be so proud of me. i just wish we sang music i felt more inspired by, more passionate about. he's a tough act to follow, that warren. i know you are up there having a great big jam session with the man, but we really miss you down here dude. it's hard not to.
then i stopped by my old work to get a hug from smelly belly melly cause i really needed one. i cried through cleaning the church becuase of therapy. not because she's mean to me, but because it always churns stuff up. and becuase i live with a lot of regret. bad choices. or maybe just not right choices. and even though i was the one that was smelly (see cleaning the church, i get sweaty!) she gave me a hug and we are going to do something friday night after i take the boys to kokomo to spend the weekend with their dad. i am sooo looking forward to it. i so need it.
i know it's only been 2 weeks since i was at the winery (ok almost, it was sunday before labor day) i need some more social interaction. i'm learning that about myself. that whilst i like my solidtude, i also really like connections.
the winery was fun. it was the oak hill winery in converse, in. and if you are around that way you really need to stop in. very friendly people & great wine, all named after local places. I liked the Sweet Salamonie and the something Sweetzer. after that, we went to one of their houses (jill & tom are friends with a group there) so there was about 20 of us altogether just haning out. i got a little drunk, but not a lot. and for once, being by myself when everyone else was partnered up wasn't so hard and i still had a ton of fun and really didn't worry about the fact that i was going to go home alone that night. see comment waaay above for how monumental that is.
and honestly i am just so stuck on this 1 person. that's where the title comes in (i know you were waiting, holding your breath trying to figure out where i was going, so you can breathe now). he keeps going over and over in my head. what am i to do cause i'm not sure he even knows i'm alive (actually he used to be a friend, i don't know what we are these days). and i've told myself no dating before christmas. it can't get here soon enough!
tomorrow, i'll be spending time with my female parental unit (mom) and then working on proofing some of the 9 million (yup!) digital pix i have sitting on my laptop. i just recently got all of 2006 printed out (about 1500) and then sorted and organized them into my binders. I follow library of memories (LOM) by stacy julian. wonderful approach to story telling, picture organizing and creative scrapbooking here's a link to it over at bps to give you the 30000 foot view...
well, someone (05) wants to be rocked, so i'm a-gonna go do that... thanks for listening again tonight...
so after that, i went to the bank, then back home because i forgot my journal & grabbed an apple, and then to my therapy session. which is usually on monday, but the past two weeks it's been on tuesdays. that was good, and hard too. we continued to talk about pros/cons with a someone-who-shall-remain-nameless. and we talked about being unemployed and feeling like not having any anchor. and we talked about bob going to the church that i went to for 7 years. the church that still feels like home. the church that i miss with tons of my friends in it. and how that sucked. sucked big monkey balls. ok, that's crass, but you get the idea. but that i was glad my boys got to go there.
then i went to penguin point for lunch. i know, yuck you say, penguin meat? no, it's not. it's a small fast food chain, here, elkhart & warsaw, so if you are ever in the area, you HAVE to stop at. they have the best crinkle fries ever. billy (the kid married to the barrista) will instist they are not real fries because they are crinkle cut, but whatever. then i went to the church to clean it.
since i've been unemployed, i've been cleaning the church. and it is a big one for so very few people we have. it's not bad, takes anywhere from 3-5 hours a week, depending on what all i do. normally i don't have therapy and so it can take longer. but i just stick the ipod on, turn up the music and SING since there is no one else there until leslie the secretary gets there and she just laughs at me. i slip her a $20 for listening to me sing.
seriously though, i joined the choir, and so far they've not kicked me out. i know warren would be so proud of me. i just wish we sang music i felt more inspired by, more passionate about. he's a tough act to follow, that warren. i know you are up there having a great big jam session with the man, but we really miss you down here dude. it's hard not to.
then i stopped by my old work to get a hug from smelly belly melly cause i really needed one. i cried through cleaning the church becuase of therapy. not because she's mean to me, but because it always churns stuff up. and becuase i live with a lot of regret. bad choices. or maybe just not right choices. and even though i was the one that was smelly (see cleaning the church, i get sweaty!) she gave me a hug and we are going to do something friday night after i take the boys to kokomo to spend the weekend with their dad. i am sooo looking forward to it. i so need it.
i know it's only been 2 weeks since i was at the winery (ok almost, it was sunday before labor day) i need some more social interaction. i'm learning that about myself. that whilst i like my solidtude, i also really like connections.
the winery was fun. it was the oak hill winery in converse, in. and if you are around that way you really need to stop in. very friendly people & great wine, all named after local places. I liked the Sweet Salamonie and the something Sweetzer. after that, we went to one of their houses (jill & tom are friends with a group there) so there was about 20 of us altogether just haning out. i got a little drunk, but not a lot. and for once, being by myself when everyone else was partnered up wasn't so hard and i still had a ton of fun and really didn't worry about the fact that i was going to go home alone that night. see comment waaay above for how monumental that is.
and honestly i am just so stuck on this 1 person. that's where the title comes in (i know you were waiting, holding your breath trying to figure out where i was going, so you can breathe now). he keeps going over and over in my head. what am i to do cause i'm not sure he even knows i'm alive (actually he used to be a friend, i don't know what we are these days). and i've told myself no dating before christmas. it can't get here soon enough!
tomorrow, i'll be spending time with my female parental unit (mom) and then working on proofing some of the 9 million (yup!) digital pix i have sitting on my laptop. i just recently got all of 2006 printed out (about 1500) and then sorted and organized them into my binders. I follow library of memories (LOM) by stacy julian. wonderful approach to story telling, picture organizing and creative scrapbooking here's a link to it over at bps to give you the 30000 foot view...
well, someone (05) wants to be rocked, so i'm a-gonna go do that... thanks for listening again tonight...
Monday, September 14, 2009
correct url
sorry, i'm about as daft as they get some days... here's the correct link to benzillascrapping's blog sorry about the confusion....
today was a busy day with posting new product, making cards, getting my crafting table cleaned off, designing some business cards for a friend and returning a couple phone calls. after the boys came home, we had swimming lessons (do you know how scary it is to watch your 8-year old swim in 12 foot water without a PFD?!?!) and gymnastics. zack had at the last minute changed his mind to swimming but the poor thing the water is so cold he decided he wanted to switch back to gymnastics. so we did. and he loved it. of course. they don't call him monkey man for nothing. then homework & supper & bath. and my favorite part, reading. we've been reading harry potter. i've had them all but was waiting until they were a bit older (005 is not sure he likes them) but 008 got them as a gift from bob's girlfriend, so we've started reading them. guess i'll give mine to goodwill. we started book #2 last night & read 3 chapters! we never read that much, but it was still pretty early. 008 loves 'em! i'm so glad that both of them love to read so much. also wrote a lot in my journal. 008 was like "wow mom, i didn't know you had a diary". for some reason that facinated him but tough luck mister, you can't read it - private stay out! lol
hope you had a wonderful start to your week!
hope you had a wonderful start to your week!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
whadda week!
wow, been super busy all week designing new product, released next week, working on a mini-album from a college trip i took a million years ago, and drum roll please....finished up the mulch project from h-e-double hockey sticks!!!!! yea, i know, i'm totally stoked about it too. hopefully might be able to figure out posting pictures's not done, mind you, but i ran out of mulch and i'm not paying to have any more delivered this year. i got 6 scoops this year, and next year will probably get 10. mostly to finish out what i started this year, but also to refresh what i have now. oh, maybe i'll need 12. next year i also want to get my garden set out, i waited too long this year not being able to decide where to put it. and i'll need to rent a tiller which will mean borrowing dad's truck & trailer or having it delivered for me. next year i also want to put in a brick patio behind the house and a stone stepping path out to the shed. which reminds me i really need to post pics of the new, old house. yea, i know, i'm a glutton for punishment....
speaking of, in a couple of weeks my brother and i are going to have a work day at the parental units. they are coming over friday and staying the weekend so i can't wait to have yummy breakfast all together. dad is always so busy taking care of mom that the old homestead usually just gets the necessaries done, so the past couple of years we've been trying to pitch in and help. last year we got their antiquated solar unit pulled out, put in a pond and some bushes. this year it will be tree trimming, moving some edgers that just get in his way and probably washing the windows, weather permitting.
i'm hot, sweaty and tired so i'm gonna go get something to drink and then we are supposed to head over there tonight to visit.
speaking of, in a couple of weeks my brother and i are going to have a work day at the parental units. they are coming over friday and staying the weekend so i can't wait to have yummy breakfast all together. dad is always so busy taking care of mom that the old homestead usually just gets the necessaries done, so the past couple of years we've been trying to pitch in and help. last year we got their antiquated solar unit pulled out, put in a pond and some bushes. this year it will be tree trimming, moving some edgers that just get in his way and probably washing the windows, weather permitting.
i'm hot, sweaty and tired so i'm gonna go get something to drink and then we are supposed to head over there tonight to visit.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
mamma's got a brand new bag...
just to let everyone know because i've had so much trouble with the website, i've moved all the current product over to my etsy and shophandmade stores. i think these are better venues anyway and a lot less hassle (for me anyway) when it comes to administration. to keep the blog active, i've also moved it here to blogger, so it is and you should be able to search and find it. I will slowly start pulling the commercial aspect off of this one and move it over there.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Facebook Fan
Be sure to become a fan of us on Facebook and be the first to know when new product is posted. It is soooo much easier to get it onto Facebook right away as Etsy has a hook to do it with. To celebrate getting the Facebook page up and going, be sure to leave a comment here... tomorrow i'll draw a name out of the hat to win a collection of Travel goodies....
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