Wednesday, August 28, 2024

False Fall...

 ...last week was full of 70 degree days and gorgeous!  Aaaannnndddd, then on Saturday 90 and oppressively humid! I was able to do some weeding and mulching; felt like I took more breaks than I did work, but, something is better than nothing, right?

Old Business:

  • Still reading Hands Heal
  • Last week was a good chore week, this week is not bad
  • Finished Sirens, started a new book, can't remember the name. Fantasy genre
  • Last week was a good week for work tasks, this week not bad
  • Plugging away on NcBTMB
  • I'm about to take P4S off this list! Ha!
  • Magazines, not too bad.  For some reason, when I hit an MTJ, it takes longer.
  • Memorabilia is DONE! Go me!
  • Garage still needs about a month of time...
  • Guitar, I'm on week 49!!!!
  • Got all of my tasks done for the lawyer on the guardianship
  • Bloodwork still needs done.  It's fasting, so yuck!  I have to do black coffee.. :(
  • The entire east fence is done (inside and out! go me!!!) and I have about a third of around the patio done.  I'm finding that in a lot of places, I'm having to cut deeper into the yard due to things growing.  Not a bad problem.  Trying to keep a better eye over what I've already done and pluck out the stray that pops up.
  • They are gourds growing out of the compost.  So cute!

New Business:
  • Want to get back into scrapping & crafting
  • Have put out job postings at a couple different schools.  Would love to get another therapist
  • Baby brother is coming to spend the weekend - really excited about that
  • Need to fix the sanding booth.  Something happened the last time the door got opened.  Need to try and get it fixed before water delivery day
  • I got a kitty cat!  Her name is Izzy, short for Isabelle - she has first vet visit today
  • Got some new sheets and blankets at work - always energizing!

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