Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Eye of the Storm

Greetings all!  It is Tuesday, the 1 day the Weather Channel told me would have some sun, albeit a bit cold, this week, so that I could get the yard mowed.  Hum... not looking very sun like out there, hoping I can still get the yardwork done.  I didn't do it yesterday because it was supposed to rain all day but then it didn't rain until lunchtime.  Go figure!

Our GBA trip was a couple of weeks ago.  We look forward to it all year, and then it is over with so fast and then you miss it.  It is always a big flurry of activity.  And this year we had nearly 20 planes, so it was awesome!  I just get sent off to the Mentor Monitor some photos that Smitty will use in his article.  I'm totally stoked about that.  More on all of that when I get pictures edited and put up on Flickr.  It is always such an an amazing experience, and I'm so grateful I get to be a part of it.

In school, we are done with all the testing, I passed 100% the written, and had just a few points on the practical.  This month is all clinicals, so we will be working on the public.  They have people call in during the year, they get put on a list, and then that is what we use as our client list to call and schedule appointments.  It seems very rudimentary to me, but I guess there are people out there who don't know how to do it?  Anyway, the school charges them a small fee to help cover supplies and laundry and then if they tip, it gets sent to a charity.  I think it is a terrific way of building support from your community.

We have also had to write a resume.  That wasn't too hard, as I've always done a pretty good job keeping mine up to date.  Made some minor changes to make it fit what they would like.  And I removed a bit as it was not pertinent.  But it is still 2 full pages.  Not really sure how to trim it down, or if it needs to be trimmed.  Oh well, people will either like it or not, as they will either want me as an employee or not.  I do not have a lot of control over that, and have gotten to the point where it is not a big concern for me anymore.  I know who I am, what I can do and where I want to be.

We've also been tasked with a business plan, so I have been working on that.  That has been a very valuable exercise actually.  It has really helped me take some of the ideas that are swirling around in my head and given them some structure and somewhere else to LIVE.  Now I can use that space for something else.  We also have to do something that reminds me of a work-life balance essay.  But I'm waiting on some additional information as I'm not entirely sure we have all of it yet.

I invested in a chair for seated massage a couple months ago.  I've had the incredible opportunity to use it at the Senior Expo here at the YMCA a few weeks ago.  That was so much fun, they have such great stories!  Even ran into a couple of ladies who knew my dad and uncle.  I then also had the pleasure of working on the nursing staff at a local nursing home.  What an incredible group of people.  You all have such big, loving hearts, and are such great (Biblical) servants to those who are no longer able to care for themselves.  It is a rare find, and you are to be commended.

The community at large has been so supportive of me and my endeavors and I am so thankful.  I can't wait to get this going.

Working at church has been a great experience.  I have been busy cleaning out filing cabinets and trying to bring some order to chaos.  We have several very old filing cabinets, the kind that do not use hanging folders at all, that have needed some attention.  I was able to find the hanging file inserts that allow you to use hanging files, and have been busy putting them together, and getting the drawers cleaned out, assigned to a commission or activity, and then getting the correct information in there.  Next will come folder labeling!  I've also worked a bit on getting both desks more orderly, and working on the office shelves too.  I feel very blessed to be given this opportunity to serve.  I love organizing and sorting and helping and being in a place where I feel I can take ownership.  It in some ways is tailor-made for me!  Yesterday, there was an issue with the network, so I also got to troubleshoot and repair that and learned a bit more information about our equipment that I could get filed away.  And it is wonderful to be there and get the phone calls from people who need help and be able to get them connected with someone who can.  I love making a difference in someone's life.

Scrapping wise, I'm working on a little comb-bound book of 011's kindergarten homework.  So much fun to see the improvement over the years!  And then on to one for 014's kindergarten.  Wow, that will be an even bigger difference!  I can't wait, I love getting this stuff done!

Well, off to mow the grass before the rain comes in!

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