Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Get your money for nothing...

It was a good weekend, long & relaxing.  009 took a friend down with him to his dad's & they had a blast.  I took a truckload of stuff that I've emptied out of the house up to BTL to go into his mom's garage sale.  We sold so much, I couldn't believe it!  I think I got about $40 at the end of the day.  It feels so much better - lighter, freer! 

The weekend before was Easter/Bithday (my brothers', newphew's and Gadget's!) and I had taken over a bunch of old computer stuff for 018 to have & play around with.  Which started me stripping down the boys' desk they don't use any more.  And purging all the papers & stuff they keep.  Which started me cleaning out my old files.  Which led to more purging out of the closets.  And scrap stuff.  And getting rid of my right-handed desk.  A lot of stuff came out of this studio, and it is still a bit in boxes as I wait for my new, real furniture to get here, but it is going to be awesome!! Part of it gets here today, and then some more tomorrow.

There has been more talk on moving the studio upstairs and bringing the boys' room down here.  That needs more investigation. It might help with selling it, should I actually want to do that.  But if I don't it does help it be more functional too.

More gardening projects going on this year too.  Getting the front trees mulched again would be nice, and the pine trees on the east side are now getting big enough they are hard to mow around without looking like I got into a fight with a cat, so they need some too.  A tree needs to come down & 2 others topped.  And the roof.  It will be replaced soon as well.

Lots of stuff, will keep you posted!  Can't wait for 6/8 when we go on the Harold Cannon Flight Clinic!

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