Thursday, January 23, 2025


 ... that just happened. I can't believe this is where we are as a country, but I'm not going to let it stop me.  Time to roll up the sleeves and get to work...

Old Business:

  • Still chugging through Hands Heal
  • Still doing well on chores at 2-3 per week
  • Kings of the Wyld, almost done!  Big question now is do I read Bloody Rose next, the sequel, or one of the books that has been on my pile for longer???
  • GR, doing better, and have 1 more team member!
  • NCBTMB, my subscription to the test prep ran out, so do I just go take it and see how I do???
  • P4S not so good, but I have been doing a 2024 recap/2025 goal journal, so maybe that will help
  • Magazines, very good
  • Garage is not bad, got the light hung up in the sanding booth, and for the most part it has stayed tidy.  Have a couple of garden projects on the work bench, but it's so cold I had to stop the repairs
  • Have made contact with potential new insurance
  • Still really like my 2025 book
  • Have not done that second scrapbook page, but maybe this weekend...
  • Have one panel left of the drapes to take apart for my dining room shades
  • Adjusting to new schedule routine with being church admin. So far, so good
  • AMTA budget meeting is done, and we've got some great ideas in the works!
  • Have the second webinar on human trafficking today
New Business:
  • Have an offer letter out to another therapist - nervous!
  • Hoping to have baby brother here for the weekend, although I woke up with a sore throat today and hoping its just from it being so cold and dry, not actually being sick
  • Need to schedule my tests for the pulmonologist
  • Need to make my chiro appointments
  • Need to rework my spreadsheet for GR so it's more manageable
  • With it being so cold, Growing Grounds and the church have been close to overwhelmed with the calls for help getting off the street.  As have several other organizations

Saturday, January 4, 2025


 Is in like a lion!  Another round of arctic air on board. Christmas visit with the kiddos and family was wonderful!  Didn't really go as planned, but we all still had a good time.

Old Business:

  • Still reading Hands Heal, I'm about halfway through
  • Chores are staying pretty consistent.  
  • Kings of the Wyld is good, and for Christmas 025 got me the second book! <3
  • GR work took a slide over the holidays, but I'm hopeful.  Also looking for more team members!
  • NCBTMB really took a hit with holidays and sermons.  But need to catch up to the wagon again
  • Same for P4S
  • Magazines, doing great
  • Garage - did another fix on the sanding booth, have a couple more ideas I'd like to try. Got the wheelstand done for the cross-cut saw and that really helps!
  • Still need to switch insurance
  • Trading has been thrown a life jacket, so I am hopeful!  I desperately need it
  • Really liking the 2025 book so far.  Has enough space in it for a to-do list, a tracking section, a section to list your wins, and a notes section!  It's going to save my from my ADHD LOL
  • I scrapped!!!  I had Wed/Thurs off this week, and I did a layout and I have another one planned
  • We're going to have a GG call later today, so I'm going to start ripping out the seams of the curtains I bought to make the shades for the dining room!
New Business:
  • Started back at the church as the Admin on Friday, definitely a change in the routine/schedule, but I'm hoping it will work out well.
  • Getting ready for AMTA board in January.  It's budget meeting time
  • Have played guitar now for 65 weeks in a row!!
  • Starting a human trafficking webinar next Thursday.