Monday, March 3, 2025


 It is absolutely mind-blowing the amount of illegal and unethical behaviour that has taken place in this country by our highest leaders.  Most, if not all, of which cause me to be very embarrassed as an American.

Old Business:

  • Hands Heal is still a daily read
  • Was not super good on chores last week, or over the weekend, but not gonna walk away from the wagon
  • A More Perfect Union is starting to become an easier read as I get more intrigued by his commentary
  • Think we've got advocacy day planned for the State House this year.  Hoping to make this a regular event again. New team member is great!
  • NCBTMB, I really need to get off my butt and just schedule it.  I'm afraid of failing and "wasting the money"
  • 2024 recap is going OK, hoping it will lead me back to P4S
  • Magazines, good
  • Garage, I've done a small amount of cleaning and/or watering the plants that are over-wintering. Just this AM I cleaned up a patch, and wheeled the saw outside to cut a new shelf for the closet where I store the magazines.  No, I don't want to talk about it... LOL It is installed and everything shuffled around
  • Decided not to switch BOP and WC, it was more expensive, finally got the refund back from the other company
  • I have one of the new shades made and hung up.  Need to get some straps so I can raise/lower it, but it is there and looks good.  Two more to go...
  • Still need to do pulmonologist
New Business:
  • Need to figure out our YouTube Live issues at church
  • E's 51st birthday party is this Saturday.  Need to do some cleaning and baking
  • Also supposed to go to 3 Dog Night concert with Kim on Saturday. Hoping the kids will watch Uncle E for me

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Resistance is NOT futile....

 ... I will not go quietly into this goodnight... I will remain defiant, I will remain subversive, I will not bow. They can try all they want to try and suck out all of the good and decent parts of this country, but they are going to have to fight to do it.

Old Business:

  • Still chugging through Hands Heal
  • This past week was bad for chores, too many later afternoon appointments at work
  • Finished Kings of the Wyld, and decided to pick up A More Perfect Union by Adam Russell Taylor.  I picked it up this year at the booth at Annual Conference, as I like to support them.  It's been in my wishlist on for a while now.  Slow going, as it is definitely meat and potatoes reading.
  • Enjoying having another team member.  Apparently, the governor is going to give us lots to work on as he's asking the state to audit all licensed professions to make sure they truly warrant licensure
  • NCBTMB, I say I want to do it, so why don't I?
  • P4S, yup, you guessed it, but I'm doing a 2024 recap, and that has been good
  • Magazines, very good
  • Garage - too cold, but in the next couple of weeks, it will get warmer
  • Got my house/auto switched over.  Small savings on house, BIG savings on auto.  Very excited about that! Working on getting business and workman's comp switched too
  • Still need to do that other scrapbook page
  • All the drapes have been taken apart, and last week, E helped me get the panels cut out for the shades.  I still have lots left over.  Wonder what I'll be able to do with it!
  • Human trafficking webinars were cancelled after you know who took office
  • The new therapist agreed, she's also a K haha.  She will be working Saturdays only which should help compensate for me not being there on Fridays.  K1 went to another career fair, and got many resumes, so there might be a #3 in the future.
  • Ended up being a cold. So I had E here last week, and he got to go to church and he was SOOOOOO excited!
  • Still need to schedule the pulmonologist tests
  • Spreadsheet is reworked, but I don't know if it is better
  • We have another weather advisory this weekend, so we've been busy trying to figure out how to keep everyone warm.
New Business:
  • Need to type up HAWC notes
  • Need to get some SM posts out for GR regarding what we are doing for the EO
  • Get to be worship leader again tomorrow!

Thursday, January 23, 2025


 ... that just happened. I can't believe this is where we are as a country, but I'm not going to let it stop me.  Time to roll up the sleeves and get to work...

Old Business:

  • Still chugging through Hands Heal
  • Still doing well on chores at 2-3 per week
  • Kings of the Wyld, almost done!  Big question now is do I read Bloody Rose next, the sequel, or one of the books that has been on my pile for longer???
  • GR, doing better, and have 1 more team member!
  • NCBTMB, my subscription to the test prep ran out, so do I just go take it and see how I do???
  • P4S not so good, but I have been doing a 2024 recap/2025 goal journal, so maybe that will help
  • Magazines, very good
  • Garage is not bad, got the light hung up in the sanding booth, and for the most part it has stayed tidy.  Have a couple of garden projects on the work bench, but it's so cold I had to stop the repairs
  • Have made contact with potential new insurance
  • Still really like my 2025 book
  • Have not done that second scrapbook page, but maybe this weekend...
  • Have one panel left of the drapes to take apart for my dining room shades
  • Adjusting to new schedule routine with being church admin. So far, so good
  • AMTA budget meeting is done, and we've got some great ideas in the works!
  • Have the second webinar on human trafficking today
New Business:
  • Have an offer letter out to another therapist - nervous!
  • Hoping to have baby brother here for the weekend, although I woke up with a sore throat today and hoping its just from it being so cold and dry, not actually being sick
  • Need to schedule my tests for the pulmonologist
  • Need to make my chiro appointments
  • Need to rework my spreadsheet for GR so it's more manageable
  • With it being so cold, Growing Grounds and the church have been close to overwhelmed with the calls for help getting off the street.  As have several other organizations

Saturday, January 4, 2025


 Is in like a lion!  Another round of arctic air on board. Christmas visit with the kiddos and family was wonderful!  Didn't really go as planned, but we all still had a good time.

Old Business:

  • Still reading Hands Heal, I'm about halfway through
  • Chores are staying pretty consistent.  
  • Kings of the Wyld is good, and for Christmas 025 got me the second book! <3
  • GR work took a slide over the holidays, but I'm hopeful.  Also looking for more team members!
  • NCBTMB really took a hit with holidays and sermons.  But need to catch up to the wagon again
  • Same for P4S
  • Magazines, doing great
  • Garage - did another fix on the sanding booth, have a couple more ideas I'd like to try. Got the wheelstand done for the cross-cut saw and that really helps!
  • Still need to switch insurance
  • Trading has been thrown a life jacket, so I am hopeful!  I desperately need it
  • Really liking the 2025 book so far.  Has enough space in it for a to-do list, a tracking section, a section to list your wins, and a notes section!  It's going to save my from my ADHD LOL
  • I scrapped!!!  I had Wed/Thurs off this week, and I did a layout and I have another one planned
  • We're going to have a GG call later today, so I'm going to start ripping out the seams of the curtains I bought to make the shades for the dining room!
New Business:
  • Started back at the church as the Admin on Friday, definitely a change in the routine/schedule, but I'm hoping it will work out well.
  • Getting ready for AMTA board in January.  It's budget meeting time
  • Have played guitar now for 65 weeks in a row!!
  • Starting a human trafficking webinar next Thursday.