Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Second Summer...

 .... Yup, we are back to the 80s.  Not had rain in awhile, so grass is looking bad.  Should not have mowed before I left, but maybe it would not have made a difference...

Old Business:

  • Keep plugging away on Hands Heal
  • Was gone last week, so chores were on a hiatus
  • Reading Kings of the Wyld, very good!
  • Again, gone last week at conference, so work tasks were at a minimum. However, am getting better at scheduling the game plan for the week
  • Plugging away at NCBTMB
  • P4S - BAD! LOL
  • Magazines, not bad, even though I was gone, I did read several pages in the airplane to and from
  • Memorabilia is back, now that I'm back from conference, but it is just the 1 event!
  • Garage - got the sanding booth repaired with a lot of help from my baby brother. Rest of it still needs attention, but trying not to add to it...
  • Guitar - week 51, go me!  I was afraid conference was going to undo all of it!
  • Bloodwork is on the books for this Thursday
  • All of East patio is connected now to the inside east fence, so A LOT done! It is so nice to look out from my desk here and NOT SEE WEEDS!  LOL  What I've previously done is still looking pretty good too.
  • Gourds are butternut squash, and so far I have 2-3 fruits.  It's been really dry.  Did get 1 good tomato so far, and 3 yellow squash.  I also have a pepper growing!
  • Had a great visit with the baby brother; yes, we had cheeseburgers and milkshakes!
  • Izzy is so wonderful!  Some behavior issues, but she's not quite fully grown, and coming from the shelter, rules are just different, but we are working on it.  She is a cuddler and such a delight.  She did not like me being gone for the week; the neighborhood kiddos were so good with her, I was so pleased.
New Business:
  • Get my PLA and GR notes taken care of, and the RFP that goes with them
  • Gave myself a raise, we'll see how that works out.  I'm a bit nervous.  Also gave K a raise
  • Probably need to do some weeding at work soon, been trying to stay on top of it too
  • Need to get website updated
  • Need to get in touch with Baby Brother's house manager to coordinate his IAP
  • Need to get my house & business insurance (maybe) switched over
  • Been working on getting old Growing Grounds Case files put into our Google Drive
  • Just keep plugging away and trying to enjoy each day as it comes
  • National Conference in Tampa was amazing!!!