...Christmas? Not really. We've had a few flurries, some even stuck around for a day, but alas, it is mostly brown out there. Some of the arborvitae are still green, some are transitioning to bronze (not my favorite, but nature does what nature does...) and the garden is definitely hunkering down for winter. I was able to add a few more loads of leaves to the pile, and may be able to get more, but if I don't, I don't.
Old Business:
- Still reading Power. Getting better at scheduling my chores and my downtime. It's a process.
- Shift is amazing!
- Trail Guide I've had some trouble with, I was sick last weekend, and took a break.
- P4S still a fail! LOL
- Magazines, doing good.
- Walk/Run still needs help.
- Craft Table still needs attention.
- Guitar - up to 14 weeks!!!
- Sanding booth is DDDOOOOOONNNNNNEEEE! Go me!!!! In fact, I'm hoping today to spray paint some of the outdoor furniture that needs attention!
- Blood draw done, and just 2 arms this time. We'll see what results it yields. Should know by Monday, or Tuesday at the latest at my appointment.
New Business:
- Wicker furniture repair and paint. I never treated it, and it was probably really supposed to stay inside, so it has some damage from being outside. I think fixable, and once I paint it, it will hold up outside better.
- Make pies for Christmas
- Schedule chiropractor appointments for 2024
- Schedule therapy sessions for 2024
- Found some great curtains at Goodwill last night. I'm going to strip them down and make shades for the dining room! Absolutely gorgeous fabric, botanical print and the colors fit perfectly! Will bring a lot of character!