Monday, February 13, 2023

Fool's Spring

 Yup, we are squarely into Fool's Spring.  It's been sunny and balmy, topping out at 50+ and getting those spring flowers to start popping through BUT... snow forecasted for the weekend. It will be a minute yet.  But I am itching to get back out into the yard and garden...

Old Business:

  • So I think you need to Talk to Someone, I'm about half-way or so.  It is soooo good I don't want to stop most mornings.
  • Not as good with Lovers for a Day, but I am reading it.
  • Trail Guide, still working on it.
  • Planning for Success - need to get back to it.
  • Magazines - working it, but they still seem to come in faster than they go.
  • Not been doing exercises lately, but now that I've acclimated to new glasses, seem to need it less.  Still seeing chiropractor.
  • Running - I got myself a treadmill for early Christmas present.  It has come in handy, but still having a hard time getting consistent because I'm having a hard time developing a routine.
  • Craft Table - actually scrapped a week or so ago, that was cool!  Now cluttered with end of year letters that need to go out.
  • Cleaning - well, I get 1-2 major chores done a week.  It's something....
  • Guitar is going pretty well. I've done 10 weeks in a row of at least 1 day.
  • Kids' door is done and hung. Doorknob cleaned up so nicely - gotta love Flitz!

New Business:

  • Started making a sanding booth in the garage.  Get so tired of having to clean everything every single time I saw or sand.  I have the frame up, but now need to do guide lines, pulleys, and the actual "curtains".  It will be retractable so I can still use that section of the garage.
  • Closed down the Wabash office and moved everything over to Marion.  That was sad, but it needed to be done.
  • Neighbor has been cleaning out another neighbor's house, so have had a lot of items donated to Growing Grounds and so have been doing a lot of laundry!  LOL
  • I've started dating someone!  OMG, that was so unexpected.  I was very good with just being me. But, it has been a lot of fun.  I've not laughed so much in all of my life. He shares his thoughts and emotions (what the heck!?!?!?) and has been very respectful and considerate of my boundaries and traumas.