Old Business:
- Clerk's and GG drawers still waiting
- More photos uploaded
- Mudroom probably not going to be done - more information on that in a week or two
- Vent is probably in the same situation
- Lawnmower will have the oil changed in the spring now, it looks like
- 2 more mice caught and disposed of - by me!
- 4th and 5th LOs are done, #6 sits on my desk!
- Closet door probably in the same situation as vent and mudroom
- H&S Celebration cards and letters keep getting put off - BAD!
- Tub is OK now!
- Think we are squared away on the house we are trying to buy! There will be a couple of immediate projects...
- Soap is still waiting
- Got a massage, now she is gone! Can't wait for her to get back!
- Youth Sunday was a hit! and we had so much fun afterwards!
- January cards done
- Work on old business
- Get stamps listed on Amazon, the ones that I never use
- Get backup schedule done
- Make/send out February cards
- Find our new normal
- Beef & Barley Soup and homemade bread baking!