Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Indie Movie - Good Dick

OK, I'm not always a big fan of indies, but I took a chance on this one and am totally glad I did, perhaps it will turn me around yet.  You can find the movie here at Netflix, Good Dick .  It is about a young woman who is "addicted" to erotica/soft porn and on the surface, that might turn you off.  But, like an onion, if you peel the layers back, you discover that she is actually a young woman who struggles with social interaction and it leads you to wonder why.  As the movie progresses, the layers get peeled back and the root is revealed.  I don't want to mention more than that, as I don't want to ruin it for you.  There is also a second story arc which is her meeting this young guy and how he falls in love with her and has to learn to be patient for her to catch up.  And how their relationship is really warped & twisted because of her past.  At times, the dialog is lacking, and the story slows down, but overall, I think it is a very good story, realistically portrayed and well worth the watch.  Just as you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, don't judge a movie by it's title (I'm so guilty of that, sometimes it's the only determining factor for me. Bad me!).

If you watch it, let me know what you think of it in the comments!

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