Monday, June 6, 2016

February 2016 Flickr Upload

Good morning!!! Looks like I uploaded these to Flickr, but forgot to post my faves here...  As always, the entire feed is here, if you wish to check them out...  Since I have faster, and non-metered service, I'm finding more pictures are my favorites, so I apologize if you are not in the same situation...
014 leading part of the service...

012 during part of the skit...

 National Junior High Sunday was in November, actually the first Sunday of Advent, so we pushed ours out to February.  It was a fun day of worship, and then fellowship later at C&D's house.

 A was nice enough to take the camera from me for a minute and take some photos so I got to be in on the action too!

014 decided to do Science Olympiad again this year.  It was at Purdue and it was COLD that day.  But we didn't have to drive through a blizzard.  Funny thing was the Goshen area had another near-blizzard day.  So glad they changed it.  We weren't allowed in the room where he was taking the test, so we tried to embarrass him a bit through the window.  Thanks to Trena and her never-ending good humor in helping us get the shot.

 Valentine's Flowers, a few days old.  They were starting to not do so good.  Why can't I ever remember to get the photo when I first get them!?

Not sure you can see it, but there is a "pending sale" sign on the sign.  Can't believe this is finally happening!!!

Someone wanted to try bacon pancakes.  Now his favorites...

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