Saturday, October 4, 2014

Rain, Rain go away...

... I have got like a million things to do that require being outside:
  • Painting windows
  • Cleaning the shed
  • Helping the father get his pool covered
  • Putting down mulch in his gardens
  • Mowing
OK, maybe not a million.  But you get the idea.  Sigh.  I guess there is always next week.  It seems like my Monday - Wednesday goes by so fast and I get so little done!

So far, school has been great!  I only missed 1 on my first quiz, and missed none on yesterdays!  Yea me!  The practical is next week, a bit nervous about that, but it is peer reviewed and non-graded so hopefully I will just learn a lot!And another quiz next week too.  So it will be flashcards and studying this weekend for sure!

I have been busy getting a website & Facebook page set up for my Massage Practice so look for that soon!  I hope to start getting guinea pigs! Oh, I mean people willing to let me practice!  So far people have been very interested, but no one has taken the plunge.

Also going to take the boys to see The Mazerunner today, should be fun, but I hope it is not scary.

Got my first Phrimmer last night.  Stephanie had always said I should, but I was too afraid.  Boy, should I have listened to her.  It was AMAZING!  I cannot believe the junk she found in me.  Mostly in my right side.  So apparently I have some male issues I need to identify and work out.  Go figure!  Some on my left, so some woman stuff too.  Guess I need to figure out who I am still carrying around, and why and see if I can get them to go away.  She told me to take an apple cider vinegar bath when I got home.  Which I did.  But I do not like baths.  But I probably do feel better today becasue of it.  Still feel very loosy goosy.  And trying to pay attention to how I am walking and standing as there were so many places she had to put back into balance.  My ankles being key ones, but my gastrocs (calf muscles) were a mess, as were my inner thigh muscles.  And my triceps.  And my traps.  And my neck.  You're getting the idea, right?

So I'm going to have to figure out how to go again next month!

Wish me luck on the studying & the practical, & my list!

Have a blessed Saturday.

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