Monday, July 25, 2011

July/August 2009 Flickr Upload

Full stream as always is here…

Made it back from upstate MI yesterday safely.  And still early enough to settle in before going to bed.  It is certainly nice to have working AC again, but now it doesn’t seem to want to shut off.  Don’t quite get that.  Worried about the electric bill.  I know it’s been less than 24 hours, but really missing EE.  Had a great time canoeing yesterday & I think the kids did too.  Had a return visit from an unwanted guest, hope it goes away soon.  Guess it’s just an indication I need to take better care of myself.  Less stress, more being good to me.

In addition to canoeing, we had ourselves a little bit of a shoot-out with target practice.  That’s another thing to scratch off my bucket list, but don’t be surprised if it makes it back on there.  He started me out with his .22 and D showed me the ropes again,  after EE went inside to shower.  Never a bad thing to repeat things for me.  Did OK, hit the target a couple of times.  It’s a lot louder than I ever thought it would be, and harder.  I shake more than what I thought I do.  When he came back out, he was like “so do you want to try mine now?” Of course, they’re all his (except what D & C carry) but I knew he was talking about the one he carries.  Which is a bit larger & heaver, a .45.  Both are automatics. Sure…. So I did, he walked me through where everything was & what it did.  MUCH louder.  And heavier.  I was shooting a bit low & to the left (which D said was normal for most lefties he knew) and I said “but I’m shooting righty” and he was like “well, switch” so I did.  And got hit square in the head with the ejected casing.  That was the 3 stooges moment of the weekend.  No harm so we all just had a good chuckle.  And he got it on his video camera so I expect it to be on YouTube soon.  He also took some funny vids canoeing.


First day of school 2009-2010


I can’t believe how much they’ve grown!


Fishing with Grampa


He actually caught one!  I think it got tossed back in…..


Sunrise through the fog, waiting on the bus…

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