... yeah, I think we are finally there. Have had a couple of frosts and then a bit warmer. Today, it cools down and brings some rain, which we definitely need!
Old Business:
- Still eating a bite of Hands Heal every morning. Didn't do great when I was at conference, but back on the bandwagon
- Chores have made a comeback, and I've been successful the past couple of weeks of getting 2-3 non-daily activities done
- Still reading Kings of the Wyld, very engaging!
- Work game plan ebbs and flows. I need to do a better job at scheduling times to work on them intentionally
- NCBTMB has been shaky this week, but it is going.
- P4S - horrible! LOL
- Magazines, pretty good, but still piling up. Need to put in another shelf in the closet to help. That makes me sad. But there is at least 1 that is no longer in print, so as I read those, it frees up space. "Trouble" is when I hit an MTJ or National Geo or another that I like to read cover-to-cover so they take a while. Some of them I just flip through.
- Got conference memorabilia put away, just a couple of odds and ends here and there now
- Garage - I did bring in all my potted flowers that I try to overwinter, and some perennials that I didn't get planted, so I cleaned up that section a bit. I've also done a big sweeping all over. Still several projects out there that I need to finish up - getting the lanterns painted (I want them all black) for the solar lights; converting the desk to a table saw station, etc.
- Guitar - Week 55 baby! Who-hoo!
- Bloodwork done, cholesterol climbed back up a bit. Was very frustrated about that. Had a check up on Monday to go over it. That was all she wanted to talk about. Didn't even want to discuss my possible POTS symptoms (which I am thinking more and more is correct - K&K agree). Had my med checkup with my psych NP and they gave me a recommendation to another cardiologist here who works with POTS patients. So thankful I said something! So I'm working on getting that appointment set up, along with Cleveland Clinic and Johns Hopkins POTS clinic in TX. We'll see which one happens first...
- Was able to continue west from the east patio, so the walkway out to the shed that cuts through the gardens is done, as well as 1 whole side on the west patio. I've had to make a lot of it significantly larger due to bush growth (such a great thing!, so I've had lots of clumps to help fill in where the sewer line was repaired and settled. And doing the edging as I go along made so much sense. I've used up almost all the vinegar bottles I've been saving over the past couple years. And I probably still have 2 of the 3 truckloads of woodchips unused yet! I don't know how much more I'll be able to get done this year (ground is back to being hard!) but I will keep going if I can. What is left is the west fenceline, south fenceline, and the alley. I've got several flowers that need to be divided and transplanted, but I need places to put them! Acutally, I have done some of that already and/or moving stuff around, and just cleaned out the area where I wanted to put them, and that does work too. I guess it just depends on what mode my brain is in that day. Being this close gets me excited about the other projects that I want to do out there. I've got more of the embossed brick to finish that walkway from the patio to the yard, I want to pull up the stepping stones out to the shed and put down woodchips and about half-way down, I have a small brick project that I want to put in, and then put a birdbath with a solar fountain in it. and I have a brick patio idea that I want to do in the south-east corner fenceline.
- Izzy has been growing more independent as she has gotten more comfortable. We are pretty much over trying to scratch on the furniture (and trimming her nails helps too), but still having trouble with jumping up on dining table, kitchen counter, stove, and crafting box on the wall. We will get there. She cuddles less, so it's wonderful when she does. Although at night, she is always in there with me, either above my head, or down at my feet. Love her to pieces!
- GR work is done, and the RFP
- Raises so far have been OK
- Weeding at work done, looks better. It is taking less time each time, so I'm able to go a little bit further each time.
- Website still needs done
- ISP for E is done, that was a lot of fun to go up to the workshop and meet all the people he works with
- Still need to get insurance switched over
- Finally got to work at Chili for Charity this year! GG receives funding from them, so we are supposed to work the event. Every year, it's been when we are celebrating H's birthday. I was so glad it worked out. It was a beautiful weekend for it, and I got another elephant ear!
- Earlier in the month I did a motorcycle ride for Riley with a friend of mine's husband (she doesn't like to ride), his sister, and his cousin. That was fun, and got an elephant ear there too! Probably should be done with the sweets for awhile! LOL
- Had H's birthday at Bob's. That was so much fun! My brother and his wife were there, and I surprised E with it. He had such a great time!!! and V came down from Grand Rapids.
- I've been asked about to coffee or dinner by a friend's cousin and I've not responded back yet. I'm nervous. I don't trust myself. But I know I should not leave him hanging. I'm not sure I've ever done just dinner or coffee before. It seems like it always turns into something serious right away, and I know I don't want that.
- Giving the message at church in November, so I've been working on that, and then Eel River in December.
- Need to follow up with the lawyer on E's guardianship papers
- Need to get my TSA Pre renewed, doing that today!
- Gotta get my massage trading schedule worked out better, I think that is part of the reason why my symptoms have been worse lately, I'm only getting every other week.